Sunday, September 14, 2008

So Very Touched

So I just got off the phone from talking to Fiance's lovely Aunt. She called me to check in, see how we're doing, and get the scoop on Fiance's mom, who's been having a rough time in her life lately, and we just got to talking.

Let me tell you, this woman is no mere extension of the blessing that is Fiance's family (about whom I've posted a million times) ... She is a very large part of the blessing itself. Just talking to her, we have so much in common and she's such a loving and open person ...

She spent probably half of the conversation thanking me for "taking care" of Fiance ... for loving him and looking out for him, for the influence I've had on him in the time that we've been together. Telling me how much a part of their family I've become, and just generally showering me with praise.

Which could mean nothing to some people ... but me? As I've posted before I come from a failed marriage where I was so NOT accepted into the inlaws' family. I had the traditional inlaws ... but not this time.

These people have always been unbelievably kind to me and to my daughter, taking us both in as if it were a given even from the beginning that Fiance and I would always be together, and the way they've come together to support me in times that they didn't even need to be there.

I don't even know what to say ... I just know that when I cry I need something for my hands to be doing, otherwise I rub my eyes (can't stand for my face to be wet) and then they'll be all red.

I just feel so blessed and so loved by this family ...

"Thank you, Lord, for all the ways in which you've filled my life and the life of the child you loaned me ..."