Wednesday, March 3, 2010


With Private Ryan leaving so soon, I've been thinking almost obsessively about Army life. Where might we live? What will it be like there? What kind of housing, schooling, extracurricular stuff ... what kind of medical quality? What will the soldiers we live around be like? What will their wives be like?

So I've been reading a lot. I have read tons of Army Wife blogs, I've checked out Army Wife support sites, I've read good things and bad things about the FRG. And now? Well, even though I still think this is the right choice for my family, and I think that being a good woman to my soldier will make me a good Army Wife ... I wonder what my place will be on post once we are married and the girls and I are packed up and moved? Will it be a welcoming community, or will there be lots of women who pretend to be welcoming when what they really want is to snoop a bit and gossip about the new family on post? Will the wives be friendly? Will they be enough like me that I will be able to find a comfortable group to relate to?

And will my girls fit in? I worry less about Piglet because she is a baby, but Teenybop ... will she make friends easily? Will she be snubbed by children of soldiers with a higher rank (apparently this happens quite a bit), and if she is, will she stand strong and proud anyway, knowing that her daddy is the same as the others in spite of his rank and uniform stripes?

Lately I've found some blogs that just seem like regular women living a special life, but this morning I found one that was disturbing. It is actually a little frightening, and I find myself praying that Army wives like the one who wrote this particular blog are few and far between. The author is rather poisonous, and while she has given a few good tips on how to succeed in the Army Wife community ... well, like I said, I pray I do not encounter women like her.