Lately I've been reading the archives of yet another blog about the Army. It's a girl named Samantha and she blogged at first about how she dealt with her husband's third deployment. They don't have kids, so she didn't really have that distraction. They have a dog who kept her pretty busy I guess, what with him being a bit of a troublemaker ... She blogged a lot about her quest over the past year to find a job in this impossible economy. She blogs about her family stuff, her friend stuff, and just things that she's thinking and going through. Really, she's like most other bloggers ... It seems that for her, blogging has been a great therapy during her hard times, a great way to celebrate and update family/friends during the good times, and also to make some new friends along the way. I love her blog, even when I'm not sure I agree with what she says.
Something I really love about her blog is that she does "I Want It Wednesday", a weekly post about whatever she happens to want at the moment. Sometimes she wants to lose weight, sometimes she wants more time with her soldier, and sometimes she wants something that can actually be bought. I like the premise, but I am a little leery about posting my own Wednesday participation. She posted a little while ago about wanting people to stop "stealing" her "segments". Well, since this is the only regular post-thing she always does, I have to assume someone out there has "stolen" the idea and is now posting their own wants each Wednesday. So now what? Am I a thief? Do I "steal" her great idea and use Wednesday as an outlet when I'm feeling a case of the "give-me's"? Or do I twist it around and change it up, call it my own, and then start doing it even though it really is the same thing whether it's under a different day/name or not?
Hm. We shall see ... I really do love "I Want It Wednesday", and I've got several wants I'd love to post about. I could call it "Selfish Saturday" since it's all about what I want ... or "Manic Monday" since when I want something I tend to REALLY REALLY want it. I don't know, but one way or another I still love the idea so I've got to figure something out. I do know that since today is Saturday it'd be a good day to start "Selfish Saturday" and I also know that "Manic Monday" would come sooner than "I Want It Wednesday" therefore allowing me to post before the first list gets too long ...