Wednesday, April 28, 2010


As I have mentioned before, I have been trying to get back into the daily habit of seeking guidance from God. I have been struggling nearly every day to "create" time in which I can quietly sit and read the Bible, seeking assurance and His will in my life. He often points me toward a certain passage that will answer questions I've been carrying in my mind. Yesterday I was worried about Private Ryan, who was recently injured in his Army training. He sustained a running injury that is not terribly severe, but all the same it could end his career as an American soldier, and it could have devastating effects on our family financial situation. Yesterday as I finished the book of Ruth, there were several little footnotes that summarized the book and talked about the general concepts covered in the book. In my footnotes I read this:
"God is always at work in this world, even when we can't see what He is doing. No matter what kinds of pressures we must endure or how many changes we must face, God is ultimately in control of our situation. Being confident of God's sovereignty, we can face the difficult situations in our lives with boldness."

In that moment, I felt as if there had been a heavy weight saddled to my shoulders that suddenly dropped away and crashed to the floor. I was reminded and reassured that no matter what happens, God is in control of my life, that He will not abandon my family, that He has never failed to take care of us and see that our needs are met. And this situation may be scary to me as a woman who likes to have plans and to know what is going to happen, but it is not scary for God. He isn't sitting now on His throne saying to Himself, "Oh no, Private Ryan got hurt! What if he is discharged from the military and then what? Then how do I provide for this family?"

He already knows the end. He knows what will happen with Private Ryan's knee, he knows what kind of work will ultimately take care of this family. He knows where our money will come from, and ultimately, where it will go. And I feel so much better, knowing that the situation rests on a God who is strong and able in all situations.