Well it's that time again. Time me to talk about what I want and pretend that just because I talked about it then it will magically come to pass.
This week there are a few things that I want that can be achieved, a few things that require God to nod my way, and a few that I know can not happen at this time. Only time will tell which of these things is which, but for now, here they are.
I want Ex-Husband to release his hold on my daughter. To give her to me now the way he did when she was a baby, and to stop using her as a tool to get to me.
I want my man home on leave so that I don't have to go through all this alone. I also want that leave to be paid leave so that I don't have to exchange one worry for another.
I want the time to find a doctor who might be able to address a few health concerns. I haven't bothered because even if I were able to find a local doctor who seemed perfect for me, there is no time to see one because I am raising two children alone and they have medical needs of their own.
I want God to use me, to show me the way into using my talents for the good of the Kingdom. I want Him to use my talent with words to inspire others, and I want to walk into Barnes and Noble just to buy a book that will have my name on the cover. Not for the "glory" of being a published author ... but because it has been a dream of mine since I was a child. Writing a devotional has become something dear to my heart, and I want God to show me the way to making that a reality.
I want a place of my own, a place with a garage and a yard. Somewhere for my girls to play, somewhere for me to garden, somewhere I can sit outside and watch a puppy gallop clumsily. Not just a place to live, but a home.
And if you want to know what else I want, check out other Manic Monday posts ... because for the most part I have not actually achieved any of those things, either.