Girls are retarded.
I just spent literally my entire day on the phone with my cousin. Listening. Advising. Commiserating.
Getting nowhere.
In one breath, she's telling me she's glad she learned and that she doesn't want this guy anymore. That now she's "seen the light" (my words, not hers). I've listened to her suicidal musings, her thoughts on how life isn't all it's cracked up to be, how God is out to get her, blah, blah, blah. And in the next minute ... she's telling me that she still loves him in spite of everything. How much she hates it that her son is going to be from a broken home.
Hello? Do you somehow think that just because you're all in the same house fighting every day that it's not broken? It's still broken. And in the words of Dr. Phil ... I'd rather the kids come from a broken home than actually live in one.
Hey ... Battered moms! Get a grip and protect your damn kids from thinking this crap is normal.
And as for that crap about still "loving" the guy? Yeah, here's a newsflash. Love isn't everything. Life isn't a love novel, or a romantic drama. It's more like a romantic comedy ... things don't always go the way they ought to. You learn from it, and move the hell on. Because the more you sit there and take it, the more they'll dish it out to you when you've got a loser.
I loved my first hubby too. Loved him with my whole heart. But he loved weed with his, and there was love all around, let me tell ya. Just that one little problem ... love isn't enough. You need more. You need trust, security, companionship, commitment, all that stuff. Love is just love, useless without true expression through the other aspects of relationship by both parties.
And girls are retarded ... they just take it and take it and take it. Until they end up like the preacher's wife a few months ago who killed her hubby because he was an abusive violent shame to the name of our Lord.
And kids? I hate to take the risk of sounding old here ... But those little fuckers have no respect these days. Some gosh-dang punk shot my damn headlight out with a friggin' pellet-gun today. And left it, of course. Fuckers. And it's not like one of those headlights you can just buy a new cover for. Oh no, not that kind of luck for me ... we have to replace the whole damn light casing. Over a hundred bucks. Dammit.