Well, at least for the next 36 weeks or so.
Because I just found out this weekend that I AM PREGNANT.

Today was my first of many days babysitting as a favor to a friend of mine. I will have this baby in my home Monday through Friday until next May, as Baby's Mother is a teacher. I also had Teenybop home from school, so it was a long day spent with a four-year-old mother hen, a seven-week-old in a whole new environment, and a dude that is fairly scared of babies but also thrilled about the pregnancy and willing to "practice" with the little one I will be babysitting. And yes, the dude was Fiance, who did you think I had hanging out in my house all day? Then again, I learned that Teenybop will be a FABULOUS big sister. Oh my god, Teenybop is going to be a big sister!!
All jokes aside, it was a long day. I'm not throwing up any which is AWESOME considering how much I threw up with Teenybop. In fact, I threw up so often and often so hard that I actually broke my own water from it. One day I threw up eleven times before noon. So I'm loving the feeling of not being nauseated all the time. Knock on wood, wish me luck, God willing and all that. But I am tired in a way that I have never been before. I'm totally dragging @$$. This is even more tired than I remember being when Teenybop was born, since she slept through the night from the beginning. I am so tired.
This competition just got stepped up. It's like at first I thought I'd just have to beat myself, and let's just say I was confident. Now? I feel like I'm up against a bear. A big one. With friends. And they are all angry.
But that's okay. I'm still going to win. And so far, I've gotten my feet done (at home, but still done), and though they will be a repetitive thing, they are nonetheless softer at the moment. I've also gotten started on getting my apartment really clean and starting to seriously De-clutter. And it's not really that we have that much stuff, it's just that we have so little room. We've got a three-bedroom apartment, but the third bedroom currently houses our computer, my exercise bike, my books (oh lord there are so many books), and a bunch of other stuff. The only way to absorb all that is to switch rooms with Teenybop, giving her a smaller room so that we can stuff all the junk in with us in the master bedroom (which we gave her because she had more toys and needed the space more than us). So we're all going to be "moving" soon. And that will be hard. And tiring.
But that's okay. It's going to be fun because we are going to hit the mis-tint aisle whenever we have some money and get some cool discount paint for Teenybop's new room, to dress it up and really make it a "big girl room". We are also going to try really hard to have this done before we tell her about the baby on the way, that way she won't connect losing her big room to the baby coming. We certainly don't want it to be his/her "fault". Not a good way to start siblings out. So it will be fun, but it will be hard. And tiring.
But that's okay. We will also be looking at different nursery sets we can start looking into for a baby room, and that will be so fun. When Fiance and I got together, Teenybop was almost two years old, so he didn't get to shop for baby stuff, didn't get to put it all together, didn't get to watch his infant grow. Teenybop is his in all ways but blood, but this is still his first baby since they first met when she was well into being a toddler. So it will be fun to do all that, but we also want to paint the nursery before the baby comes, and since we have to wait to find out what color to paint it, I will be very pregnant then and that will make painting hard. And tiring.
But that's okay.