Already this book is heartbreaking, as the author recounts her abuse at the hands of her father, her helplessness, her hopelessness, and her fear. She was five years old.
There is a part of me who hurts for a certain person who is highly esteemed and quite beloved in my life, a person I have known all my life who has been through basically the same thing, and my heart breaks for what she must have gone through. But I am a five year old child's mother. She is beautiful, with an angel's face. Big blue eyes, sweet lips that are perfectly bowed and just a little bit more red than pink. Her body is strong and toned, truly a beautiful little girl.
But the thought of someone touching her, pretending to "love" her ... I am enraged that children in our world are forced to go through these agonies. Forced into accepting sexual abuse as normal life. Forced to be afraid and secretive instead of sweet and innocent. Forced to feel dirty and unclean.
And I am disgusted by those who stand by and look the other way instead of protecting those who cannot protect themselves.